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Back to School – Smoothing out those first few weeks

Back to School

It is that time of year again! Back to school can be as exhausting as it is exciting. I hope you find the following tips helpful in making your family’s back to school transition as smooth as possible.


If your family is anything like mine, bedtime was a bit less structured over the summer. Everyone needs rest to be ready for the day (including moms and dads). A great way to get back on track is to set a bedtime alarm on your phone and start bumping your bedtime routine back about 10 minutes each night. Do this until you get back to “school bedtime” and that means sleeping children by about 8:30pm. This includes weekends! In fact, children need a solid 10 to 12 hours of sleep each night to be successful and ready for an academically challenging day.


Preparation is key to a good morning. Try to prepare as much as possible the night before with your child. Lay out clothes, pack snacks, fill water bottles and place a ready backpack by the door. All these little actions will help your child be ready in the morning and it will help you not forget anything. Most classroom teachers send home a newsletter or calendar of events. Be sure to put this on the fridge and check it every evening. Additionally, our family also reviews this list on Saturday morning, so we can make it to the store or grab needed supplies during the weekend. Small time savers add up to a smooth morning when time is precious, and you need to get out the door.

Highs and Lows

During this time of transition, your child needs you more than ever. I am not talking about quantity of time spent together, it really is about the QUALITY of time you spend together. For instance, take a short walk, plan for time side by side on the couch to talk, or just slow down at dinner time and sit together. Talk about highs and lows from the day. Ask, what was fun today? What was challenging? Follow-up by asking, what did you love most or what lesson was interesting? What made you sad or what was frustrating? Then ask, what did you not like about your day? Open ended questions like these start conversations and spark real connection with your child.

This quality time strengthens the foundation of your relationship. Your child is becoming more independent and will spend more time away from you; take time each day to reconnect and discuss the good, the bad and the ugly. This practice will be why your future teenager turns to you when there is a problem instead of seeking advice from the world.

Connecting Home and School

Parents are essential partners with teachers in education. Research studies show parents are children’s first and most important teachers. Moreover, it is critical to connect with your child’s teachers early in the year. This is true even if your student does not “struggle” in class. Teachers need to know you support their efforts and will be there any time they or your child needs you. When children see and know their families are involved in their education, children are more engaged in the classroom. As a family, you can reinforce teaching strategies being used in the classroom which will also help your child learn and grow. As the back to school season gets under way, reach out to your teacher today through a text, an email, or a phone call. Let them know you support them and ask how you can help.

I hope your year is off to a great start! If you need additional resources or information on getting your preschooler ready for kindergarten, visit

Michelle Rivera, M.Ed.
Mom to girls (5,7 and 20 years old)
20+ years in Early Childhood Education
Vice President of Education, Brighton Center

Brighton Center Child and Parent Smiling


Brighton offers families hope, caring, understanding, education and every bit of it is 100% from their hearts. Our daughter has benefited from ALL of the services that Brighton has to offer. They have become like another family to us and they will always be a part of our lives.
Brighton Center Child Celebrating


It was nothing short of a miracle. Brighton offered affordable services, in home visits, and the friendliest/most knowledgeable therapists. A weight was lifted off our shoulders and we knew we had a team in place who cared for and about Ishan as much as we did.
Kosha Vriseno, Ishan's Mom | Early Childhood Intervention Services
Parents with their Children


Brighton’s advocate, Girasol, really helped us get our 3 year old son the services he needed from our local school district. After getting incorrect information from the school district about my son’s eligibility for services, Girasol educated not only our family but also the school district. She reviewed our son’s evaluation documents and talked with us on the phone about the entire special...
Jillian Benfield, Anderson's Mom | Special Education Support Services
Brighton Center Early Childhood Education Program


My daughter was at Brighton for almost three years. It was a great place for her that provided a positive learning environment and child-centered staff. My daughter learned empathy and acceptance from her peers and teachers. The center is NAEYC accredited and teachers are knowledgeable of developmentally appropriate practices. They truly care about the children and families with whom they work and...
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My two boys are now attending Brighton. We tried enrolling my 2 year old at another daycare and he hated it. He would cry as soon as he saw the school and was always crying when I picked him up. Needless to say we took him out in less than a week, and looked for another daycare for him and my infant. That’s when we found Brighton. It’s night and day at Brighton! We are on our second week and t...
Maricela Chavez Krewson | Special Education Support Services
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As a young child I went to Brighton Center On Higgins, they were all such amazing respectful caring and phonominal people! I am so very thankful for all Brighton has done for me! I 100% recommend Brighton Center for anyone, having been at Brighton when I was a child. I loved every minute second of my time there!! Brighton has changed my life and made me want to become a Special Education Teacher.