We would like to introduce Charles, who was Born to be… SEEN. You do not have to navigate a child’s life with disabilities alone. Brighton Center can help because every child is Born to…BELONG!
See What Our Parents Have to Say
We are thankful to the thousands of families who have trusted us to help them and their children. We celebrate each child's achievements and highlight some of their stories here.

Brighton Center would love to share your story with our community. We want to hear how you heard about Brighton, about the services you’ve received, and how Brighton has been able to help.
Louisa's Story
Louisa is a shining light in a world that hasn’t always made it easy for her. Doctors weren’t quite sure of what Lu was experiencing and the local daycare found her needs ‘too much.’ But Lu’s parents found support and help at Brighton, and that’s made all the difference.
Noah’s Story
From almost the very beginning of his little life, Noah did things that were out of the ordinary. Instead of walking, he tip-toed. He would rock himself and sometimes spin in circles for long periods of time. Developmentally, he was falling farther and farther behind others. But then, one eventful day, a new opportunity was realized.
Special Education Support Services
Visit ServicesThe Bowman Family's Story
Townsend doesn’t have the words to explain what he’s feeling or what help he needs. His parents know he needs an advocate looking out for his best interests. Brighton’s special education consultants’ knowledge of special education laws helped them be the advocates he needs.